Day 2-
The same routine as the previous day followed and the workshop concluded at 5 30 pm in the evening.Before the conclusion there was a short competioin called best flight.We were taught a simulation software and were told the one who flys the plane best would be given an aditional certificate.From our group of five,i was selected for the final round ,involving 5 students selected from 5 other groups.In the final round , 2 students crashed their planes,while the rest of us took off and landed the plane perfectly.To decide the winner without any conflicts,the instructor told us to take off and land the plane once again.This time myself and another student crashed it leading the 1 student remaining the winner.

I was dissapointed but not much.Afterwards,we thought of watching the cultural programmes but akram had some work and we decided to leave the campus and head for mg road in vijayawada.At the exit,a short argument started bteween few students and the security guard.(what it was about is along story).As we were in a group(ansd i like to argue when in a group) we too joined in.

After 15mins,we were let off and we took a bus back to vijayawada.At the boarding point,many students had gathered as many events at the KLU had ended.After a long time two buses came one after the other and everyone ran towards them.In the confusion that followed,akram and sumant got sepataretd and they boarded the second bus,while p ,swat and myself boared the first.

As akram had work near the railway station he went there,while we went to besant road for some shopping.After his work was finished akram and sumant joined us.Swat bought a pair of jeans at kalaniketan.All the while i was looking for kondapalli toys but coudnt find any in the streets or in the shopping malls.And to my surprise,when p asked a salesman at kalaniketan,if they had kondapalli toys he replied"kondapalli bommala? adi enti?" meaning "kondapalli toys? what are those?" i had imagined that vijayawada streets and shops would be flooded with those famous toys but i was wrong.I made a point to check it out in the kondapalli village we were about to visit the next morning.We had our dinner at a local hotel and i enjoyed every bit the pure andhra meals i had.they were just awesome.We reached our hotel at around 10pm and soon fell asleep.
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